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I Feel Like I am Drowning Above Water

That is a very appropriate description of this week from Sister Tayco haha. The rain just won't stop. But the more it rains the more blessings we see, so I guess I am okay with that;) We have been drowning in investigators lately! Best missionary problem ever. Mary and Jason are so excited to be baptized this friday. We have been teaching them almost everyday. Jason got a scout uniform that he absolutely loves. It is just so cute how much he loves learning about Jesus and Heavenly Father. I told Mary that I am about ready to head home to Idaho and she asked me if after I was a missionary if I could choose where to live. Then she said I should just move back to Washington haha. So sweet! I am going to miss them a lot:(

Sad news on Byron... We went by on Tuesday for our lesson. When we walked up he came out and told us he wasn't doing good. He was very drunk. He looked at me with the saddest eyes and started to sob. Through the tears choked out the he was so sorry. I just wanted to hug him so bad!!! I started to tear up too and just told him it was all going to be okay. He kept telling me how sorry he was but I know that really he was saying sorry to God. I just tried to bear my testimony of the Savior and how we can be changed through him. God cares less about who we currently are and more about who we can become as we accept and follow His gospel. I have felt this change in my life. The Sister Northrup who put her tag on for the first time 18 months ago isn't the same Sister Northrup that will take that tag off in 2 weeks.

It is painful to see the consequences of sin in our lives and the lives of others but ultimately it is how we grown. Byron is going to lose his house the end of this month, but I know God will be there with him to help him out of the pit he has dug himself into. He does that for all of us.

We are also teaching a new little girl named Lyli. She is 11 and is friends with a member family in the ward. She is pretty eccentric haha so our lessons are fun. She is so excited about the gospel and has committed to be baptized! Now we just need to get her parents on board;) I love teaching kids. They are so sweet and close to the spirit. I guess those are all the highlights of the week! Now for the scary experience.... So we were trying to find a address of a lady we got as a referral.. but my GPS took us somewhere not correct. We decided to walk up to the house it said it was and ask if they knew the person or where the address was at. As we walked up a black lab started barking at us from the porch. No biggie right? That happened to us quite often. We kept walking and I tried to whistle to it. It kind of ran away so we walked up and knocked on the door. Bad idea. It ran at us and like lunged! I thought we were going to straight up get attacked. I prayed so hard haha. The lady answered the door and was like "Go Away." Out of desperation we asked if she knew where to go and we just needed directions. She told us and then closed the door leaving us with the dog still barking and lunging at us with teeth bared.... I got off the porch real quick. Moral of the story: God protects his missionaries. But he still lets our adrenaline get pumping pretty good!

Your Sister in Christ,

Sister Northrup

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