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Changing Hearts

Soooo... Remember last week when I shared our really heartbreaking moment when Melvin dropped us.... Yeah. A short 3 days later we got a voicemail. It was Melvin and he was apologizing for telling us he needed so much time. He said he really wanted us to come back, that he recieved some signs that he wanted to share with us! WHOOOOOOOO!!!!! Man the Spirit is powerful. We had a great lesson with him this week and God let him know clearly that he needed to be on this path. He is an interesting guy for sure haha. He is majorly into space and asks about God creating other worlds all the time.

Next miracle: We had one of the best lessons ever with Sammi! We just asked a lot of questions and let the Spirit work on her. She has such a fear of failure and doesn't want to commit unless she is for sure she won't mess up. But as we talked and helped her see how forgiving Heavenly Father is, it helped her build some hope. She is committed to be baptized this next month:) We have come to love her so much. Her testimony of the Book of Mormon is stronger than I have seen in any of my other investigators. She tells us that she has to read everyday! So cool!

Byron is really having a hard time, but is doing his best. It is so hard for us to watch. We love him so much and just want to help. It is hard to focus spiritually when you aren't provided for physically. But he is pushing right along. Prayers please! Sister McCrae and I are fasting maniacs haha. It is so hard to do, but I know that we have to recieve the blessings that come from that sacrifice. Heavenly Father is blessing so much. I am just filled with gratitude at His infinite love for each of His children and His perfect plan. If we trust Him everything falls into place. I need to apply that to myself with the end of my mission approaching. If anyone has any advice on how to not just kind of panic about it let me know haha;)

We are teaching a family of like 6 people who are all interested in being baptized! It started with a lady coming in for financial support and form there she has told a bunch of her family and friends about us and many of them want to learn. Her aunt named Mary asked us to come by. This lady has it bad. We walked down a muddy trail into the middle of a field to a old trailer. It is run by generator. They run out of propane a lot and get stuck in the cold and dark. She is raising her 2 grandkids. They just lost there home to a fire. I am so grateful for the experience to see people in such humble circumstances. I can't even believe how entitled I have been in my life. My perspective on worldly possessions has shifted dramatically. We really don't need all the things we think we do to be happy. We need the Gospel. Period. I love the lessons I am learning during the best 18 months of my life. I wouldn't trade them for anything.

Your Sister in Christ,

Sister Northrup

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