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The Power of Fasting

Hello! What a week! Investigators are falling out of the sky right now! We are so busy it is almost overwhelming haha!! It is pretty great. We fasted a couple times this week and it was incredible. We went over to Byron's to check on him and get my planner because I left it and on his door was a 5 day notice of eviction. He told us he was scared and not sure what to do. We went to Bishop for help, but it is discouraged for people to recieve that kind of assistance so we pleaded with the Lord. The next day we fasted. But it was hard because we were inside planning, but we sacrificed and pushed through. That night we had dinner with him at a members home. He told us that his sister offered to pay the rest of the money!!!! It was a miracle. He is so excited to be baptized. He is experiencing a mighty change of heart no doubt. We love him so much.

Briella and her sister are so adorable. It is so different teaching little kids, but fun. It really makes us know the basics and teach simply which is good. Then we taught two different people using the same chapter in the Book of Mormon. It was such a spiritual experience, because both of their situations were so different. The Spirit was so thick and led us to say exactly what they needed. The Spirit is such a gift! I don't know what I would do without it.

Melvin is so funny. We were teaching and he loves to ask deep questions. Somehow we got on the topic of who God is and he asked if he lives on a planet. I said yes and he pointed to his map of the galaxy and was like "Can you point it out to me?" Hahahaha. Oh man if only he knew about Kolob;) He is doing really good and loves the Book of Mormon. He said his new years goal was to give up watching the news and conspiracy theory shows. Right when he made that goal we told him about the Book of Mormon. He said that now all he does is read that instead!!! There is power in that little blue book. He also loves the Steelers and won't come to church because they play on sunday, so we need a mass prayer that they will loose haha. Sammi is struggling a bit. She has so many spiritual experiences, but is scared to committ to the gospel and make the sacrifice to follow Christ. It is sad when this happens, but it is all in Heavenly Father's hands.

We had another fast on Sunday for our goal of 5 baptisms and out of nowhere we got a text that a lady had came in for some help. They sent us to her house and she said her son wants to be baptized and her whole household of people want to come to church and learn more! She was in a bad situation and has been humbled for sure:) So many blessings! I really could go on and on in this letter about the cool little things that happened this week. My testimony this week is about sacrifice. Sister McCrae and I have made lots of changes this and last week and it has brought us so close as a companionship. We have a gratitude prayer for at least 5 minutes, more like 10, every night. I am so grateful for my mission. I want to stay here forever and serve God, especially with my soul companion. I love you all! I invite you to make a sacrifice to come closer to God this week! I promise you blessings will pour into your life<3

Your Sister in Christ,

Sister Northrup

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